花都梯面镇是“广东省旅游特色镇”,项目规划在“穿衣戴帽” 的村容村貌整治基础上,科学配套旅游要素,形成红山村乡村旅游区。根据当地现有景观特点,规划提炼了“乡村文化景观”和“乡村自然景观”两大类型。注重发掘红山村的客家乡村历史文化资源,利用社区居民传统技能和自有物产,使项目与社区共同发展,使 社区焕发活力;同时也注重村落周边山林、水体的旅游资源互补开发,打造旅游产业链;使项目具有经营价值,实现可持续发展。并于2015年3月1日荣获中央文明委颁发第四届全国文明村镇称号。
【Project Name】New Rural Planning of Hongshan Village, Huadu
【Project Background】
Ti Mian town planned on the basis of the "Dressing Policy" to improve village’s appearance and tourism facilities. According to the local landscape, rural cultural landscape and natural landscape were refined. Designers focused on its Hakka history and cultural resources, then made full use of cultural resources and surrounding mountain villages, water resources, to develop tourism facilities and achieve sustainable development.
北纬 23°8 森林营地